The Record

Here’s where this all comes back to you.

For you, the reader, this blog will be a record of where I go, what I do, and who I meet on my period of adventure, my sabbatical from the grindstone. I’m hoping it’ll be a good read. I intend to celebrate the things I encounter that are worth celebrating because that’s what I need right now, but I’ll try to call things as I see them. Now, I know a lot of you won’t really be here for that — you’ll be reading just because you care about me and want to know how I’m doing, and if I’m safe. I’ll make sure you know.

For me, this is going to be a place where I can digest what I’m going through. Putting words to things focuses and deepens their meaning. The decisions I make as I write, and the amount of myself that slips through onto the page, will help me make sense of it all, and it might get real. I’m not gonna go full-on middle-school Xanga on you guys, but I don’t intend to hold much back. And I need you guys to be a part of this, because if there’s no one to share it with, I’m probably gonna do this for about a week and then forget about it.

I don’t know what to expect from this whole adventure, and I’m trying not to expect anything too specific. But as I mine my days for significance, I hope I’ll be able to share it in a way that’s also significant to you. I hope you’ll keep reading.

So where am I now? I’m two days away from leaving Pittsburgh for good, moving all my stuff to some nook in my parents’ house in Naperville, IL, and taking a few weeks to putz around the Midwest and reconnect with close friends and family before I head out. I probably won’t cover this time too extensively, but I’ll keep you posted, and you’ll know when the bigger journey begins.

See you around.

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